Miles and Beers

Andrew's journey to 100 miles and 100 beers.

Miles: 100
Beers: 104

Day 8
0 Miles.
0 Beers.

Day 7
Day 7: 8 Miles. [100/100]
Day 7: 20 Beers. [104/100]

Andrew's 30th birthday began with an easy 8 mile run, his shortest morning run of the week, but it was all he needed to hit 100 miles. Andrew was pleasantly surprised with how his legs held up throughout this week. Irregardless of the beers, this was Andrew's 1st ever 100 mile week, which is a cool milestone on its own. The day continued with Andrew's 11th and 12th shower beers of the week further extending his world record. In the evening Andrew and Betsy, who also has an August 23rd birthday, had a joint party at the local watering hole, Tapster. Andrew drank beers 95-100 with his best of friends in Chicago, and then shotgunned a bonus beer in the alley outside Tapster!

Lastly, a big thank you to everyone who ran some miles with me, drank some beers with me, and in the rare Venn diagram overlap, did both! This week would not have been possible without the great company.

Day 6
Day 6: 15 Miles. [92/100]
Day 6: 15 Beers. [84/100]

Andrew again ran 10.5 miles in the morning with Claire on bike / running support, the north end of the Lake Front Path is the ideal distance from his apartment. He followed that up running 4.5 more miles in the afternoon with Bill A! 92 miles on the week is a new mileage record, and the finish line for the miles is very much in sight. Andrew also had his 9th and 10th shower beers of the week, which he believes to be a world record, still waiting for Guiness to ratify this one. The Day continued with some rooftop beers with Crum and JP. Andrew ended the night shot gunning a beer with his brother Mike over facetime.

Day 5
Day 5: 14.5 Miles. [77/100]
Day 5: 15 Beers. [69/100]

Today was the first day of the week when Andrew began to question many of his life decisions. Another 10.5 mile morning run with his finally feeling the adverse effects of 70+ miles in less than a week. The doubles rolled on and this was followed up with a 4 mile shakeout at the Fleet Feet Racing Team Wednesday night workout. Andrew was able to skip the prescrbed K repeats and instead cheer on his Fleet Feet teammate's during their workout. Andrew has yet to run a single 70 mile week in 2024, and has only ever run 77 miles in a week on 4 ocassions (and its only at day 5). The evening ended as it normally does Wednesday nights at Corcornas with many a Son of Juice for the team and a couple Coor's for Andrew.

Day 4
Day 4: 14.5 Miles. [62.5/100]
Day 4: 14 Beers. [54/100]

We've hit the halway point of the week! The legs and liver are holding up surprinsgly well as the beers and miles continue to roll along. Andrew again ran 10.5 miles in the morning, many of which with Claire, and 4 more miles in the afternoon with Michael, a newcomer to the running parade! (Michael of 10-0 Euchre lore). The Day continued with many more beers, including the addition of Blue Moons to change it up from the Blue Mountaiuns. There were also many a Wire episodes and a very inspirational speech from Barack Obama to close out the evening.

Day 3
Day 3: 14.5 Miles. [48/100]
Day 3: 13 Beers. [40/100]

Today was Andrew's first day doubling. Andrew ran 14.5 miles today broken out into two runs: 10.5 miles in the morning with Claire on bike support and a 4 mile shakeout in the afternoon. 48 miles is the most Andrew has every run in 3 days, and is frequently what he averages for an entire week these days. The day continued with a bakers dozen of beers and Detective Jimmy McNulty, watching many a Wire episode.

Day 2
Day 2: 11.5 Miles. [33.5/100]
Day 2: 13 Beers. [27/100]

Day 2 started with an 11.5 mile shakeout run with Josh, featuring Claire zipping around on skates. So far, 33.5 miles, a new two day milleage personal record.
The party continued at Wrigley field where the crowd was able to see 2000 Pedro Martinez reincarnated as Bowden Francis. The Blue Jays snuck out with a 1-0 win, a true masterclass in pitching from both Francis and Shota Imanaga, which made us forget this baseball game as exciting as watching paint dry.

Day 1
Day 1: 22 Miles.
Day 1: 14 Beers.

Day 1 started with the Fleet Feet Racing Team long run where Andrew had his longest run of 2024. It was subsequently followed up with a full afternoon of beverages and some competitive Euchre. In the second and final game of a best 2 out of 3 series, Sam and Andrew defeated Michael and Matthew 10-0 in one of the most dominant Euchre performances in recent memory.